May 8, 2008

Dillon Adam Bradshaw

Dillon was born on August 25th. We were laying in bed one night and Natalie said her water broke, so we ran to the hospital. I wish we would have known then that he wouldn’t come for another 14 hours. We checked into the hospital (St. Lukes-downtown) my guess is around 11 pm or so. Natalie wanted her epidural, but unfortunately since Dillon took so long to come, the epidural ran off when Dillon was ready to come. I cannot remember what time he was born. I remember it either being late morning or early afternoon when I called my parents to let them know. I didn’t need to tell Natalie’s parents because her mom was in the room with us for the whole delivery. It was sure nice having her there! I don’t remember how much Dillon weighed or how long he was, but I do remember he was a heavy baby, especially for his 100 lb mom, and that we was very long. I was so scared and nervous during the delivery and after that I really didn’t take many pictures of him until later. I do remember shortly after his birth, Natalie was exhausted and the nurses wrapped Dillon up and gave him to me. I had no idea what to do! I didn’t even know how to hold him properly. I learned really quick. Here’s one of my favorite pictures of him. When he was only a few months old I would hold him up in my arms and make a scary noise. He would freak out! His little feet would run in midair and his lip would quiver. It was so cute, but Natalie always got mad at me for doing it. Come to think of it, Dillon is still scared of loud noises and maybe I had something to do with that.

One of the great things about Dillon was that ever since day one he slept very good. He would almost sleep through the whole night, which I’m sure our neighbors enjoyed. He was also very strong for a baby. He was able to hold his head from the time he was born, rolled over at 3 months and started walking at 9 months.

Here’s some more of my favorite pictures.