May 17, 2008

Our 5th Anniversary (May 17th)

Today was our 5-year anniversary. It's crazy to think how fast five years has gone by. I would have to say, it has been the best five years of my life! My wife is the most amazing woman I have ever met. She is my queen, even though I don't always treat her like one. I guess what's even more amazing is that she has put up with me for five years!

To celebrate our anniversary we didn't do anything too exciting, but it was perfect. We've been in Seattle almost two months now and haven't really been to downtown Seattle, so for our anniversary we took an afternoon trip downtown. We first went to Pike's Place Market. It was awesome how many hills there were downtown. We thought that the market was right on the waterfront, so we parked at a garage and went down a 5-story flight of stairs only to find out that it was not in fact on the waterfront, but at least now we know where the Aquarium is!!! We then hiked up at least 5-stories of stairs and entered Pike's market. Initially we were very disappointed as we journeyed into some of the shops inside. After awhile we found the outside market and then we loved it! One thing we are learning about Seattle is that it doesn't get too hot here, so air conditioning is rare. Unfortunately for us today it was 90 degrees outside, so it was very uncomfortable.

At the market we purchased a picture to put in a frame that an artist did of various Seattle landscapes. We also purchased flowers for Natalie. The flowers there are awesome! Normally a bouquet would cost around $40, but we got a very nice bouquet of flowers for only $10!

After Pike's Market, we drove to the Space Needle, but parking was too much money so we just drove by. We then headed to Alki beach to check out the scenery. Once again, Alki beach was crazy! After Alki we went to a Chinese restaurant in Des Moines that was very good! That was basically our day. Not too exciting, but we had a great time...especially since there were no kids!